Monday, March 2, 2009

I am changing my address...

I have decided that I am going to move my family to the pediatrician's office, they have plenty of space in the waiting room for my family to have a nook! In the past week Joe or myself or both have been at the doctors office with the children in what seems every day. In reality we were there 4 days, however I am a little tired of seeing my children's doctor.

The germ fest started last Friday evening, Quentin was running a fever so we watched him and laid low for the weekend, when he wasn't better on Monday and a runny nose and cough had developed we thought just a cold - no big deal. Tuesday Adrianna started to run a fever - this of course is a bigger deal as she is only 5 months old, fearing that she had another dreaded ear infection so I called my mom to come and hang with Quentin so I could take Adrianna to the doctor, as I was walking in Joe was out the door to work and my mom was already there, THANK GOD FOR HER!
So the Dr. Hepler (a different one we had not seen before) looked at Adrianna and said her ears looked good and not infected - PHEW, but that there is A LOT of influenza going around so that we needed to watch the temp and if she was still fevering by Thursday to bring her in so they can look at her again. Then he proceeds to tell me that they had admitted 4 children that day to the hospital - GEE THANKS not that I don't have enough to worry about.

Wednesday Quentin wakes up at 4 AM crying and saying that his ear hurt - this freaks me out as we are only 2 months into our 4th set of ear tubes (YES I SAID 4th SET) so as soon as the doctor's office opens I make an appointment for Quentin to be seen - Joe takes the kids to this appointment, Dr. Lyon said his ears were fine, and that he has the viral cold. Adrianna seemed fine this day - still a little warm but not fevering.

Thursday - no visits to the doctor this day! YAHOO, foolishly I thought we were on the path to recovery.

Saturday - again no visits to the doctor this day - Quentin actually had some color back in his face and was running around, I knew he was feeling better. Adrianna was still looking puny, after her nap I was changing her diaper and took her temp 103.6 - CRAP of course the doctor's office was closed by this time, so I called the nurse line. She said that the doctor would want to see her Sunday. The highest her fever got on Saturday night was 104.2 the lowest was 102.3. Saturday night was not a good night for sleep at our house, Quentin finally slept all night!! Adrianna would only sleep in her bouncy chair or on me - we camped out downstairs on the couch.

Sunday - I called the doctor's office as soon as they opened 10AM so we got an 11:20 AM appointment - My mom (AGAIN THANK GOD FOR HER) came and took Quentin to church and then to hang out for the afternoon. The waiting room at the doctor's office was packed for a Sunday I was surprised - anyway finally our turn and the doctor comes in the room and says that he was thinking that we needed to collect labs and urine - HELLO, even in my sleep deprived moment I knew that was not good. Labs for a 5 month old are horrendous enough but urine the only way to collect that is cather. He says that with the fever being so high with the medication there is something else going on. I just looked at Joe and almost started to cry thinking about the labs and urine collection.....Dr. Penman started the exam looks at her right ear and says it was fine - DARN secretly I was hoping for a good infection in order not to have to do the unpleasent labs - he looks at the left ear - BINGO she has a "raging ear infection" (those who have children - you know the poster in the doctor's office that shows ear infections, ok her's is the upper right picture with the bubble of puss- GROSS I KNOW) I was so relieved, no labs needed! He said she also has a sinus infection - he gave us an anitbiotic and ear drops - by Sunday evening she was much better she even slept for more than 45 minutes at a time!!

As we were leaving the office yesterday I did tell Dr. Penman that we would be moving into the nook of the waiting area, he laughed, and suggested that he get a plaque for the exam room and name it THE CHAVEZ FAMILY ROOM - he said that we could reserve our room the next time we came in.

Our next appointment is not until March 10 for Adrianna 6 month well baby check up - I told Dr. Penman that I really did not want to see anyone in thier office until March 10. He agreed!

Hopefully this week everyone will be better! I will be DISINFECTING the house again tonight.

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