Thursday, July 30, 2009

Coupons on your MOBILE phone....

I love coupons and drive my husband crazy with my clipping on Sunday mornings - I have discovered a few websites that I print from as well - I know that Joe just doesn't like to admit but he loves that I use coupons too especially when he sees the savings amount when I return from a trip to the grocery store and the amount of food that was purchased for the small amount of money.

In Alaska I have to be a bit more savvy or sneaky when using my coupons, as our stores do not do doubling - however I have become quite good at my own version of doubling using store coupons along with manufacturers coupon. Did you know that you can also use those coupons that Fred Meyer prints out for you at any retailer? I almost always use my formula coupons that I get from Fred Meyer or Carrs (Safeway) at Target as Target has the best price on formula and with a coupon it is even better!!!

You can imagine my DELIGHT when I discovered the site Cellfire which is coupon site that you can access from your mobile phone (Iphone, Blackberry etc) I mean HELLO - there have been a few occasions when I have forgotten a coupon at home, well I never (RARELY) forget my cell phone. The way it works is that you can load the coupons onto your mobile phone and then pull them up at the check out and the cashier enters the coupon code from your phone.......COOOOLLLLL!!!!! I loaded some coupons and am going to try it this weekend, the key will be to find a very FRIENDLY cashier who will not be bothered by my techno coupons!!!

The other thing super neat about the cellfire website is that you can load coupons right onto your club card from the store website. Carrs/Safeway for us Alaska folks - I registered my card number and have loaded in coupons on my club card so when I go to the store this weekend I will not have to worry about forgetting my coupons they are already loaded in!! The site gives you the option to print a grocery list which has your coupons on the list so you don't forget what you loaded on your card.

I am just so excited to go to the grocery store this weekend!! I will report back on the virtual coupons experience!!

Happy Clipping everyone!!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wiggly Adventure

I can't beleive that this is my first post in a couple weeks, I have a lot to write but I guess just not the time.
As stated in a previous post the kids, my mom and I were heading down to Washington for a mini vacation to see friends but the main reason was to see The Wiggles Go Banana's show which was in Everett Washington on July 17, 2009. We flew down on Thursday the day before so that we could get adjusted and be ready for the show on Friday. Remember also that Quentin did not know we were going to see the Wiggles.
We arrived in Washington had a great flight down, issues with the rental car (a whole seperate blog) and then we had lunch at Red Robin at Southcenter I could not stand it anymore I had to tell Quentin - I told him that we were going to the show on Friday - I guess I was more excited or he didn't understand what I was saying because his response was "OH" and continued to eat his hot dog....I was crushed.
After lunch we went to Target to get some supplies for the hotel and the weekend, food for Adri, sun screen and snacks for the hotel! Then it was off to Everett.
We arrived at the hotel in Everett around 4 O'Clock as we drove into the parking lot of the hotel I noticed 3 very large tour buses parked along the side of the hotel in the back. I just looked at my mom and said "I bet the Wiggles are staying here" her response was a slight laugh along with "I am sure we won't see them if they are"
We checked into the hotel and got to our room. Quentin wanted to go swimming so we all changed into to our swim suits mom and I blew up some floaties for the kids and then off to the pool that we went. We swam for over an hour, the kids both loved the pool. I was surprised that Adri loved the pool she had a floatey that she was able to sit in and she just kicked herself all over the pool.
When we were done swimming it was time to get back to the room and think about dinner, Quentin wanted pizza which sounded good to everyone.
After we all got back into dry clothes I decided to run down to the car to get the rest of the stuff that I had left earlier. Quentin of course wanted to come with me. No problem we waited for the elevator when the doors opened there was a girl in the elevator. We stepped on and Quentin noticed she had a Wiggles Logo on her shirt, I recognized her as being Claire one of the Wiggles dancers. She smiled and talked to Quentin, I asked if they were staying at the hotel, she said yes they had arrived on Wednesday. She asked if we were going to the show and I told her yes that we had flown down from Alaska to see the show, she was very surprised.
The elevator arrived in the lobby and we got off, sitting in the chairs directly in front of the elevator was ANTHONY (he is the blue wiggle) I couldn't beleive it (side note - remember we had just gotten out of the pool - I LOOKED FRIGHTFUL! LORD!!!) Quentin was busy still talking to Claire who was walking towards Anthony, once Quentin saw him he recognized him right away (even out of costume) I wish that I had my camera with me because the look on Quentin's face was one that I will never forget! He talked to Anthony for a few minutes and then we went to the car - on the way back in Anthony and his friends were getting into the hotel shuttle - Quentin all the while saying "hey Anthony! See you later" Anthony told him he would see him tomorrow at the show, Quentin then told him that he liked his tattoos (He has tattoos on his arms, and is VERY GOOD LOOKING! I MEAN REALLY GOOD LOOKING AND THAT ACCENT).
We got back to the room and Quentin could not wait to tell Grandma who we had just seen! My mom could not beleive how lucky Quentin was, although it was so cute becasue she asked if Captain Feathersword was with Anthony, remember that is her favorite character.......
Friday morning we got up and went to breakfast, we slept in a little bit so Quentin was in his jammies and mom and I threw on clothes ran combs through our hair and downstairs we went. After breakfast mom was getting the shuttle arranged for the show - Quentin and I were looking at the fountain in the lobby, behind my mom was Katarina, one of the Wiggles dancers that Quentin and I had met the night before she was with Carl (CUUUUTTTTEEEEEEEEEEE) she said good morning and I responded and asked if they were ready for the show, she said yes and asked if we were going today, I said yes the 3 o'clock show. Katarina then asked if we were going to the meet and greet, I said "no we were not invited to that" Carl chimes in and says "Quentin has to come to the meet and greet. Give me your phone number and name and I will have the tour manager ring you" HOLY COW! This type of thing never happens to me, Joe all the time but me never!
So we get back to the room and I jump in the shower - when I get out of the shower my mom is singing "we are going to meet the wiggles" I said "what?" the tour manager called on behalf of Anthony and wanted to invite Quentin to the meet and greet! YAY!!! He was going to get to meet all of them! Our leasurily morning turned into rushing as we had to get ready for the meet and greet which was at 1:30!
We arrived at the meet and greet and it was wonderful! Quentin got to meet all the Wiggles, my mom got to meet her beloved Captian Feathersword and then we watched the show, it was the beginning of a wonderful weekend! Quentin cracked everyone up when he asked Murray (the red wiggle) if he liked ZZ Top, Murray responded with yes they are a good band, then Murray wanted to know what Quentin's favorite ZZ Top song was, the smile on Murray's face was great, Quentin said "LAGRANGE, Murray you like La Grange?"
You will notice from the pictures that Anthony was not there, he had a sore throat and wanted to rest up for the concert, I am sure glad that we met him at the hotel.

Murray (red) Jeff (purple) Capt. Feathersword (pirate) Sam (yellow) Mom, Adri, Quentin and me. Adri is less than impressed at the meet and greet.
The Wiggles yes a silly bunch of guys entertaining pre-schoolers are such a class act, the show was fantastic, I actually really enjoyed it!

Jeff, Captain Feathersword, Sam watching as Quentin is asking Murray his very important question!
I love the look on Quentin's face when Murray asked him what his favorite ZZ top song was.....

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Near Death Experience - At least the EMT's were cute!

Friday July 3 was not an ordinary day at our house, I had the day off from work becasue of the holiday the next day, I got up and went to Weight Watchers then to Starbucks with my friend and fellow WWer Emily.

Went home and decided that I would clean the house so that I could get it done and play the rest of the weekend!

Nothing unusual about this, I cleaned the downstairs did a couple loads of laundry and made breakfast - as I was getting ready to clean the downstairs bathroom and then make lunch for the kids I took a little break and sat on the couch for a minute, Joe had on Cake Boss so I took my break and watched a little bit. My right ankle was itching so I reached down to scratch it and all of a sudden my leg was bleeding, I am not talking a little blood I am talking spraying blood, like when you put a pin hole in a water balloon and there is the constant spray - THAT IS WHAT MY ANKLE WAS DOING!!

So I put my hand over the spray and told Joe, "get me something I need help" he looks over and FREAKS OUT, I mean FREAKS OUT....he runs to the kitchen to grab a towel and starts looking for the "cleaning rags" in the meantime my hand is not able to catch the streams of blood and there is now a puddle of blood on my carpet *few choice words from me about the carpet* and telling Joe to just bring me something.....he brought me a dishtowel - I apply pressure on the area it is still spraying it is now soaking through the dishtowel - I tell him I need another one, in the meantime Joe still FREAKING out grabs me another towel and then starts running from the living room to the kitchen (with his cell phone in his hand) saying "OH MY GOD, BABE ARE YOU ALRIGHT, OH MY GOD, WHERE IS THE PHONE" he did about 4 good laps before I said "Joe the phone is on the counter in the kitchen (where it always is) and you have your cell phone in your hand" He said "OH" and then grabs the phone and calls my mom - "TERRY YOUR DAUGHTER IS BLEEDING I MEAN REALLY BAD, WHAT SHOULD I DO, TERRY SHE IS REALLY BLEEDING....OK YES, OK YES, BYE"

He then says "I AM CALLING 911" I looked at him and said OK, meanwhile I am onto my 3rd dishtowel and have to go to the bathroom - I hop into the bathroom where I take the towel off the spray and not such a good idea - my bathroom looked like a crime scene - puddles of blood on the floor - which I was fine with since it wasn't my carpet.

Joe is on the phone with 911 the man is still FREAKING OUT...I am calm as can be -
me to Joe, "NO" this is through my laughing.
Joe to operator "OK YES, GIVES OUR PHONE NUMBER AND ADDRESS - YES, OK YES, OK THANK YOU" he hangs up and tells me that the EMTs are on the way my thought is YES I hope they are cute!!! He then calls my mom "TERRY THE EMTS ARE ON THE WAY - YOU SHOULD COME OVER IN CASE THEY HAVE TO TAKE HER TO THE HOSPITAL"
Then I take off the towel to assess the situation Joe immediatley tells me "DON'T LOOK AT IT - THEY SAID NOT TO LOOK AT IT'
Whatever - I looked still gushing......
The EMTs arrive about 10 minutes after Joe hung up - AND THEY WERE CCCUUUUTTTEEE!!! YAHOOOOO!!!!

There were 2 of them the REALLY cute one immediatley starts talking to Quentin and Adri the other one who was not as cute as the one talking to my kids, comes over to me, "what did you do?" I just laughed and said "Um I was scratching my ankle" By the time he took the towel off the bleeding had stopped - I have a vein (vericose - I think ) that appeared when I was pregnant with Adri that has not gone away apparently when I was scratching my ankle I punctured the vein which caused the gushing. The EMT said it happens sometimes - WTH?!?!
He offered me a band aide - and had me drink some juice as I was a little light headed from all the blood loss - I also had to sign a paper that stated they offered to take me to the hospital and I declined. Then told me that if it starts up again to give them a call and they would come back out if I couldn't get it to stop and off they went.

My mom shows up right after the EMTs leave and Joe tells her he is sorry for freaking out and having her come all the way across town - she just laughs. We watched a couple episodes of Cake Boss and then my mom went home - we went to the park for a picnic.

Never a dull moment at our house!!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July 2009

We had a wonderful holiday weekend! I was lucky enough to have a 3 day weekend which was needed and very much appreciated, although as usual it went by way to quickly!

Friday we had a nice picnic lunch at Lake Hood, which is by the airport. It is where float planes take off and land - Quentin loved watching the planes take off and when they came in for landing. After lunch Quentin had a date with Grandma so we took him over to her house. They went to see UP and have dinner and then a sleep over.

Joe, Adri and I had dinner at LaCabana and then went home, Joe got ready for work and Adri and I watched TV on the couch!

Saturday 4th of July - we met my mom and Quentin at Golden Corral for breakfast and then we headed downtown for the Parade and Street fair on the park strip! We watched the parade with my Aunt and her kids and my brother! I love doing things with my family!

The parade was good, the weather was perfect. Quentin's favorite part were the fire trucks and the motorcycles that screamed down the street at the end of the parade. He also loved waving his flag during the parade!

When the parade was over we went to a couple booths on the street fair - It was packed and the sun was blasting down so was really hot.....Quentin got his face painted, I don't think he was quite sure of the gal who was painting his face when he first sat down, but once she started he was fine - he looked so cute!

Adri was not as impressed with the street fair as you can see! Next year will be a different story I am sure!

We left the street fair and went home to take naps - it was a very lazy holiday - we all woke up around 6 and then took a walk and played outside the rest of the day.

God Bless America! Hope you all had a good holiday too!

July - National Ice Cream Month!!!

In 1984, President Ronald Reagan designated July as National Ice Cream Month and the third Sunday of the month as National Ice Cream Day. He recognized ice cream as a fun and nutritious food that is enjoyed by a full 90% of the nation's population. In the proclamation, President Reagan called for all people of the United States to observe these events with "appropriate ceremonies and activities."

I mean another reason that Reagan was my favorite president!!!