Saturday, May 30, 2009


A New Day.....full disclosure!

I did it today I joined Weight Watchers today. This will be my 4th or 5th time joing the program. The time that I was most successful was before Quentin was born, I lost 65 pounds.
Of course 2 children later and those 65 pounds have come back.
I did lose all the weight that I gained when I was pregnant with Adri, but obviously there is a lot more to lose. My starting weight is where I was after Quentin was born 4 in a half years ago so that is good I guess.
At any rate I joined again, I am giving my friends full disclosure, the picture on the post is the card that I was given today when I weighed in. As you can see my starting weight is 254 today is the last time that when I step on a scale it will register those numbers. I would like to reach my goal weight (which I will disclose later).
So I will post each week my success I will also post those weeks when I don't do so well. I am really feeling that this is the time in my life to get a handle on my food addiction.
I know that I have the support of my friends and family to as they say at WW have a winning outcome.
Between the accountability in the weekly meetings and posting me weekly weight on this blog there is no reason for me to not be successful!
Sent from my BlackBerry®

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