Thursday, June 18, 2009

I couldn't resist......

Those of you who have met my son, Quentin know that he is a CRAZY kid - I mean earlier posts from Spirit Week at Pre-School confirm that he doesn't care what he is wearing or what people think of him.
So last week I am in the kitchen cooking dinner and he says "Mom I need to go out to the car and get something" he is telling me this as he is putting on his crocs....he has nothing else on except for underwear and his crocs. I just looked at him and said "Just wait and I will run out and find what you need" I honestly didn't know what he was going to get..

I continue to get dinner ready -I hear the screen door open Joe was coming in - and then he is cracking up - I look out the kitchen window and this is what I see....Thank God the camera was sitting on the counter!

I totally cracked up - I mean seriously the kid is a nut! What was even funnier is that he did not care that he was in his underwear - and our neighbor was outside and all I could hear for about

5 minutes was the neighbor laughing......

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