Friday, January 15, 2010


Ok so it is only the 15th day of 2010 but I am pretty sure that I have clinched the title in the running for Mother of the Year: (NOT)

RING (the phone ringing)
caller id says STARBRIGHT (Quentin's School)

Hope: "NEA Health Plan"
Missy: "Hope?"
Hope: "Yes"
Missy: "It's Missy from Starbright, I have to tell you because you don't know and this is the second day in a row."
My thoughts were holy crap what has Quentin done? she continues:
"The bread that you have made his sandwiches on the past two days is MOLDY"

Hope: red face and speechless "OMG - I am so embarrassed, I had no idea."
Missy: "not a big deal but I wanted to call you so you could throw that bread away.. and don't worry I am making him a new sandwich"

I just don't even know how I am going to show my face when I pick him up today......YIKES!


  1. I just wanted to let you know that I can totally see you winning Mother of the Year - if moldy bread is the WORST thing you ever do!! I also enjoyed reading the Blog about Holland. We adopted a newborn with a condition known as hydranencephaly - he was born missing all of the brain above the brainstem and there was water where the brain should've been. He was on hospice and we were told he would only live weeks to months. He surprised everyone and survived 2 years and 9 months to the day - passing away October 13, 2008 with my husband, 4 other children, and I at home. It was such a wonderful experience and we are currently looking into becoming foster parents. I have not started blogging, yet, but hope to start soon. With all of these kids and my husband, my 16 year old daughter, and myself in college it is hard to find the time. I just happened upon your blog after reading my friend's. I would love to continue to follow your blog as I can relate!! Thank you for sharing your crazy, busy life and keep up the good work!

  2. Oops - not that you would notice, but he passed away October 14th, 2008 - I should've proofread!
