Thursday, February 5, 2009


As I was rejoicing in the birth of my friend Kate's new baby boy, I realized that I have GREAT friends. As these were happy thoughts I did get a little sad as I realized too that all my very close friends live in different states. One of the HUGE drawbacks of living in Alaska.
So where do I begin, when I went to college I was told that I would meet people who would become my friends for life. I really didn't think that was true as I already had friends from high school that I was sure would be in my life forever. My freshman year at St. Martin's was a little rough from homesickness, and I did meet some good friends - who I have actually found or they have found me on Facebook. It wasn't until my sophomore year that I met the people that I am so blessed to have in my life.

I remember like it was yesterday the first day I met Amy Z, she was my neighbor in Baran Hall she was moving into her room with the help of her sister. I introduced myself and literally have talked to Amy everyday since the first day we met, she is my chosen sister! There were many weekend days when the gang (Amy, Amy, Sandra, Kate, Antionette and sometimes the boys) would gather in mostly my room and order pizza to cure our ok my hangovers. When I think back to all the fun that we had - I am amazed that we all managed to grow up through the process of being normal college kids and we all have normal lives.

I do miss my friends from St. Martin's but am blessed that when I go to Washington or they come to Alaska it is like we have not been apart. Yes we all have our own lives with new families but I will continue to be thankful that I have these people in my life. I do know that they are only a phone call or an email away! I LOVE YOU GUYS!

My other friend that I has moved away from me is Brenda - she is my newest BFF. We met while working at RBMS, Bren's cubicle was behind mine and we both did data entry. It too much like Amy was an instant friendship. I have many favorite memories of Bren is at the company Christmas party - we had been to have our hair done and to see the musical Grease, we got to the Christmas party and started drinking on empty stomachs needless to say we were a little tipsy - Brenda was doing cheers from her cheerleading days for the President and Vice President of the company. I still have to laugh everytime I think of that party! The drive home was pretty funny too - our husbands were in the front seat and Brenda and I were in the back just giggling and having fun!

Brenda and I discovered the joys of scrapbooking together - I really miss my scrapping buddy! Our boys Quentin and Kyle are 6 months apart - I don't think anything bonds friends more than becoming moms!
My BFF now lives in Florida (damn military) I think that there have been only a few days where we have not talked via text, email or phone since we met.

I have a handful of people in my life that I consider friends. I can't say how blessed I am to have these people in my life! They are more than friends I consider them my family!

Thank you! Love you guys!!

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