I am such a blog slacker. I have had A LOT on my plate the past few months, that is a whole post in it's own coming later....
Today was a milestone for Quentin; his first day of Kindergarten.
First let me say I was nervous for today, for so many reasons beyond the fact that today he became an official member of the Class of 2023.....WOW!!
Our Journey to this epic first day began last spring when we met with the school principal to go over what Quentin's needs would be, so he would be just like ALL the other kids! I was impressed during our meetings and was excited to see the stools and modifications that we and the school suggested to help make our guy successful and feel welcome!
Last week we met Ms. Dudley who will be shaping our little scholars mind in the next few months! This was also our opportunity to see the stools and steps they had made for Quentin. I was beyond excited and pleased with the quality and love that went into making these items. They completely exceeded my expectations!
They made a foot rest that attaches to his chair for the classroom, computer lab and lunch room, stools for the sinks and toilets, and a step so that he can reach the Smart Board during his turn for board work. They are also lowering a swing on the playground for him!
So the big day was today!This morning I was anxious and had a stomach ache; Quentin on the other hand was cheerful and ready for school! We walked to school and he was at least 5 steps ahead of us, telling us to hurry up the whole time...we got to school and because some parents lingered too long last year parents were not allowed to take the Kinders to their classrooms - which was where I thought I would lose it...I held it together as he lined up with his class and after the bell rang waved to me and said see ya later.
At 3:30 we picked him up and he was so excited and talking a non-stop about his day!
I have to laugh because at breakfast we were talking about homework, when we got home he asked if it was time to do his homework. I said you don't have any tonight, he started crying...I will remind him of this when the complaints about doing homework begin!
Other than that he had a great day and I can't wait to see what the rest of the year holds!!
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